A one-day workshop designed to demistify the dark art of Videography.
I’m a videographer, photographer, and TV promotions producer,director with a good thirty years of experience in professional filmmaking. And I’m still learning, because we never stop learning, right? Despite looking like the “conflicted burnout” character from a Scottish Detective novel, I’m actually quite a cheerful, generous, good-humoured guy and have a whole heap of information and experience I’d love to pass onto you. There is no withholding, and there are no stupid questions, so let’s talk a little bit about what you need to know about Video.
So you’ve got this amazing camera, and you take great-looking stills. You may never once have used the video function, or you may have used it a lot but find there is still a whole lot you want to learn. Youtube can give you all the information you need, provided you know which tutorials are giving you correct information, and provided you have unlimited time, patience, and a long, long attention span. I mean, there’s only so many times you can hear the phrase “Whassup guys?”, right? The purpose of this workshop is to dispel a few myths, show you the ropes, break down the essentials and get you started making films. In one short day.
Part 1. Learn how to shoot high quality testimonial interviews. What is the best way to record great audio? What are the best sources of continuous lighting? Is it ok to shoot a constantly moving image at f1.4? What shutter should i use and what frame rate? Do you need to shoot in 4K? Do you need more than one camera?
Part 2. Learn how to shoot great cinematic footage. Do I need a tripod or a monopod? What is a gimbal? Why not just shoot with my phone? What are the best ways to make my footage look cinematic? What is S log and do I need it? Why are videographers so smelly? (thats in there just to see if you’re still paying attention).
Part 3. Basic editing. What program should I use? Is my laptop powerful enough for editing 4K footage? Am I allowed to use commercial music? What are the best video editing techniques and practises?
Part 4. Can’t I just use my phone, like Influencers do? Yes you can! Off you go! Bye! Truth is, a lot of Influencers DON’T shoot everything on their phones, they often hire professional Content Creators, photographers and videographers. I know because I’ve been hired by them myself.
Because as you know there is a limit to what your phone can do, the lenses, the sensor size, the tech, the interface etc. But you do already know this, because you’re a photographer yourself. What we will be looking at is how to make the very best of your camera’s capabilities so that when you hold it side by side with the stuff you shot on your phone, you can see why so many of us still choose a big pro camera to shoot video. (Short answer, its more or less the same as with stills)
We all have limited time and resources, and with that in mind, the cost of this workshop is only £200 for a six hour day. You will probably make that back with one gig where you add on video, although my caveat is always that shooting photos and video on your own can be a tiring and risky business - trying to do it literally simultaneously is, literally, like juggling - and you should beware overpromising and under-delivering. But I can, if you really want, also show you how to do that, and how silly it looks.
The workshop is run in London and on the basis that if we can get EIGHT people in one place, I will hire a studio, and - because studio day rental in London is only slightly less expensive than having your pancreas removed by a Harley Street surgeon - if there are fewer than eight, we will have to rough it at somewhere civilised but mostly outdoor, like London’s Barbican complex. Naturally it would be far better to have a studio, but there is enough to more than fill a day if we don’t.
So let’s see if we can bump the numbers up for the dates below, and let’s get learning.
TIME 11 AM - 5 PM
COST. £200.00 per person
HOW TO BOOK: Please use the contact form below with your preferred date and I will send you invoice/payment details