Now this was a jolly film to make. Having worked for Swedish broadcaster Viasat for ten years, my network of contacts put me onto Nexico, a big factual entertainment Indie in Stockholm.

Could I come spend the weekend shooting a cookery program on the Sony FX6? Well of course! These days I don’t do a whole bunch of TV work any more, but it’s always nice to play once in a while.

Curry enthusiast Malin Mendel travels around the globe to cook food with foreign correspondents. They discuss life in their respective countries and share their experiences of working as journalists abroad.

I followed her round as she interviewed another correspondent to learn all about food, and life for a Swede living in the UK. It was fascinating to work with a journalist who films a lot of her own program on a phone - there are times when the image quality is frighteningly good, especially compared with the limits of shooting all day handheld (due to production budget) on what is quite a heavy camera. You can see me scampering along, filmed by Malin while filming.

You can watch the full 15 minutes here

A few screenshots below to give you a flavour of what we shot

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