The tenth annual Man European Investment Symposium took place on Tuesday, 14th May, at the Ham Yard Hotel, London, and will provide an opportunity to hear from leading figures from across Man Group.
Man Group CEO, Robyn Grew, kicked off the day with an update on how Man Group is evolving in order to stay at the forefront of innovation in investment. Their primary objective; to provide a thought-provoking and informative day that will help frame thinking and assist in developing investment strategy.
And the big celeb highight of the day - Hannah Fry renowned Professor of Mathematics at UCL as our keynote speaker. Hannah specialises in unravelling patterns in human behaviour, making her the perfect person to shed light on the complex relationship between data and bias.
Here are three key takeaways that really hit home for the audience here:
1. The importance of considering missing data, which is a specific issue in data analysis and bias.
2. The balance between technical data skills and the understanding of human biases, focusing on the development and application of algorithms.
3. How subjective factors like emotions and perceptions influence our interpretation of data and decision-making processes, highlighting the limits of objective analysis.